Update, 5 p.m. PT: Deadspin's account has been reinstated. Twitter suspended accounts used by both Deadspin and SBNation today over what appears to be a
• Robin Williams joined Twitter this week, and I know that Robin Williams isn’t the hippest name in comedy these days. But man, I remember his Night at the Met HBO special: I must have watched this thing a thousand times when I was a kid. I didn’t even understand half the joke...
Last night, Los Angeles Clippers forward Sam Dekker tweeted how proud he was to be white, sparking a feud between two Twitter users that culminated with the Dekker-defender buying his adversary an airline ticket to Los Angeles so they could punch each other about it. It is truly as stupid ...
The Fall of Deadspin, Twitter and Political Ads, and Listener Mail - The Press Box: Bryan Curtis and David Shoemaker look at the end of Deadspin (03:00) and reveal the Overworked Twitter Joke of the Week.
Executives might reward them, Black Twitter might retweet them, and they might share content from one another – but the fans, the customers who matter, reject them. Sports are supposed to be an escape; not a place for soap boxes via retired jocks and journalists not quite smart...
The NFL and Twitter declined to comment. If anyone’s going to challenge powerful sports leagues like the NFL on this, it makes sense that it’s Deadspin and SB Nation. Both are part of large media organizations (Gawker Media and Vox Media respectively) with subst...
Sharon Knolle is an award-winning TV Reporter at TheWrap. She has covered entertainment news for more than 20 years for outlets including Moviefone, IMDb, USA Today, Variety, Us Weekly, Paste and the Sundance Institute. She can be reached at sharon.knolle@thewrap.com or on Twitter at @s...
FBI agents served a warrant at a home in Tampa earlier this month, and a small but remarkably consistent corner of the internet went dark. For well over a decade, fans of the Twitter account@bubbaprogcould count on a stream of compelling and obscure sports clips, inscrutable cable news blun...
Few things give me more pleasure on Twitter than debating MPR'sBob Collins. The day that Vikings...Brauer, David
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