On Dec. 13, during his weekly media session, Mike Priefer was asked about the patch in a joking manner.He responded tersely: "I don't even want to talk about it. Those distractions are getting old for me, to be honest with you." When asked if he had talked to me about the distrac...
2. Getting beat 8 to 0 by the Browns in Week 15 in one of the snowiest games ever, after which I, allegedly, got in a fight with a 70 year old man in a hotel lobby in downtown Cleveland. 3. Beating the Patriots in Week 3 for the first time...
father of 13-year-old Tyson, told me his son had played tier 1 hockey, the highest level for his age, his whole life. Tyson's participation tonight was "more my idea than his." He was in a transition
Williams-Sonoma says: “NEW & EXCLUSIVE. Crafted from 70-year-old Hungarian grain sacks made of burlap and linen. Made in Hungary.” Price:$39.95 Notes from Drew: You want me to pay 40 bucks for an old sack? OH BUT IT’S HUNGARIAN. They’re known for their sacks! Item #02-1514454...