Deadman Wonderland is an anime series based on the manga by Jinsei Kataoka and Kazuma Kondou. It follows Ganta Igarashi, a middle school student wrongly accused of mass murder, who is sent to a privatized prison amusement park where inmates perform deadly tasks for the audience. Inside, he ...
Release Date United States April 1, 2011(internet) Japan April 16, 2011 Japan April 17, 2011 United Kingdom September 9, 2013(Blu-Ray release) United States February 11, 2014(internet) 6 more Also Known As (AKA) (original title) Deadman Wonderland Australia Deadman Wonderland ...
Deadman Wonderland: With Monica Rial, Greg Ayres, Kana Hanazawa, Romi Park. After being falsely convicted for the murder of his entire class, a young man must learn to survive in a mysterious prison with a perverted take on incarceration while also looki
Deadman Wonderland: With Monica Rial, Greg Ayres, Kana Hanazawa, Romi Park. After being falsely convicted for the murder of his entire class, a young man must learn to survive in a mysterious prison with a perverted take on incarceration while also looki