Deadman Wonderland is an anime series based on the manga by Jinsei Kataoka and Kazuma Kondou. It follows Ganta Igarashi, a middle school student wrongly accused of mass murder, who is sent to a privatized prison amusement park where inmates perform deadly tasks for the audience. Inside, he ...
Deadman Wonderland: With Monica Rial, Greg Ayres, Kana Hanazawa, Romi Park. After being falsely convicted for the murder of his entire class, a young man must learn to survive in a mysterious prison with a perverted take on incarceration while also looki
Deadman Wonderland: With Monica Rial, Greg Ayres, Kana Hanazawa, Romi Park. After being falsely convicted for the murder of his entire class, a young man must learn to survive in a mysterious prison with a perverted take on incarceration while also looki