The seven deadly sins include gluttony and sloth. Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: deadly[ˈdɛdlɪ] Iadj 1[+poison, disease, dose, weapon] 致命的zhìmìng de 2(=devastating) [+logic, insult] 恶(惡)毒的èdú de ...
fighting game you will enjoy very much when attack on other roosters. Your mission is to fight for your best famous rooster life with his special mortal combat fighting skills, should be prepared for the deadly fight against enemies. Your kungfo has a respect for you. You need to encouraged...
- Panic! At The Disco - This Is Gospel, I Write Sins++ - Steven Universe - Theme, Stronger Than You++ - Sword Art Online (SAO) - Courage, Crossing Field++ - Tokyo Ghoul - Unravel, Kisetsu - Twenty One Pilots - Truce, Stressed Out++ - Undertale - Megalovania, Megalo Strike Back++ ...