Update commonlocal.es.lua (#1309) ansurek timer tweaks Tests: Update Mythic tests for Nerub-ar Palace Tests: Fix bug in anonymizing synced RAID_BOSS_WHISPER events Tests: Fix some errors in report generation when using unusually configured warning objects Tests: Support updating GetInstanceInfo()...
Update localization.tw.lua (#413) hopefully a little clearer text? Port range check disabler to classic era, since it's now restricted as of 1.15.1 Update koKR (#412) Prevent wiping the seen movies cache on options load. fix bug setting curse version incorrectly (actual mod versions never...
DBM的全称是Deadly Boss Mod,是著名的首领模块插件。在各个版本中,无论是五人本还是团本对玩家们都有很大的帮助。 魔兽发展到如今,副本或团本里的boss的技能是越来越复杂,没有DBM的帮助,谁知道我要灭团多少回才能过boss。 DBM会根据每个boss的技能时间轴对玩家做出提醒,以免吃到一些不该吃到的技能,或是提醒特定...
The official landing page for Deadly Boss Mods, one of the most popular addons for World of Warcraft. Find addon information and help.
This mod adds support for PvP battlegrounds and arena to Deadly Boss Mods. - DeadlyBossMods/DBM-PvP
《THE SEVEN..观前须知:该MOD是基于TABS(全面战争模拟器)制作的,具有原创世界观的系列关卡原作者:THEGREATGOBLIN我在此根据个人理解和思路做一个故事解说和简易的BOSS过法剧情背景发生在海盗派系活
請注意,Deadly Wenches跟Hateful Wenches需要主體MOD身歷其境的女侍Immersive Wenches配合論壇內有熱心人士分享了Immersive Wenches的主體文件跟髮型包,我這邊就不再分流了 有能力就幫忙原作者跟這些熱心人士加個分或是推下文吧Immersive Wenches 3DM指路:http://bbs.3dmgame.com/thread-5337915-1-1.htmlN網SE版指路:...
The Forest boss is based on my dog who’s a scaredy cat. The mod is Server Side, only the host needs to run it. The mod is EAC compatible. Special thanks to the authors for the following mods which served as either inspiration, or in same cases, integration of their mod core feature...
让每一局游戏都充满异想天开的乐趣 ◎ 30+ 种强大的特殊能力,能够极大的影响战斗走向 ◎ 三种不同专精,可以由此获得新能力,新幸存者,新物品以及不同种类的武器 +2 分享2212 永恒之柱吧 青山绿水的家乡 强烈推荐Deadly Deadfire这个mod2代的创意工坊上可以找到这个mod,提升所有怪物的等级,boss类的怪物提升的等级...