An Ontario bike rider responds to the provincial plan to rip out Toronto’s bike lanes by saying“I don’t want to be in this province anymore.”Which is a feeling a lot of us can relate to when government actions — or inaction — threaten our safety. A new Toronto study shows that ...
in June of 2014, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. At least 26 people in 11 states were stricken in the outbreak, with 23 hospitalized as a result, including two fatalities,saidthe agency.
These krushing blows can also only be utilized once per match so players need to learn how which moves can result in krushing blows and how to prime them during a match if they want to experience the sweet reward of executing any of the most creative fatalities yet in the franchise. ...
Crash statsfor the first half of 2020 showed fatalities were down about 2% compared to 2019, which sounds like good news, until you remember that people drove less in 2020 because the pandemic kept us home. The fatality rate per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (VMT) actually increa...
However, when someone is seriously injured or dies as the result of a drunk driver operating a motor vehicle, he or she may face prosecution not only on DWI charges, but also on serious felony charges regarding the injuries or fatalities involved in the crash. ...
Patriot missiles, Therac-25, and others that failed Many of these rules, and Toyota's subsequent actions, were either buried in corporate secrecy or covered over by corporate denial. "The answer is not to say it can't be the software, stick our heads in the sand," said Barr. If compan...