Top 10 Deadliest SharksIn graphic novel format, presents general information about ten of the most dangerous sharks to humans, while emphasizing the relative rarity of shark attacks and the reasons behind them.Joe Brusha
In reality, sharks cause just six human deaths globally each year, whereas humanskill 100 million sharksannually — now you can easily guess who is the real threat. To try and correct some of these misconceptions, we have curated a list of creatures that kill the largest number of humans, ...
I don't know how you would think a deep sea dweller like that would be a threat to humans. Yeah it's scary, but it's been reported to not be naturally aggressive towards humans The Newcomers ? Megamouth Shark Megamouth sharks are a species of deepwater shark. The first one of this ...
While sharks don't kill nearly as many people as other animals on this list, they are still one of the sea creatures you don't want to mess with. Maybe it's the multiple rows of dagger-sharp teeth or the size of their huge mouths which can swallow you whole that makes them one of...
Each tentacle has 5,000 stinging cells and enough toxin to kill 60 humans. There are no official records kept, but researchers figure dozens of people are killed by these jellies every year: far more than are killed by sharks! One word on this next killer: Roar! African Lion (Image ...
The bull sharks are very fast and aggressive predators. They mainly feed on turtles, mollusks, birds, crustaceans and dolphins. But they also have a tendency to attack anything in front of them, even other sharks and humans. 4 Great White Shark The great white sharks have a fearsome reputati...
All the sharks are blessed with an exceptional sense of smell to offset their poor eyesight. Any species of the shark is able to smell even a single drop of blood in a huge swimming pool. The Great White Shark can smell a swimmer who is bleeding inside the pool from a distance of 5 ...
Hunting Territory: Bull sharks hunt in the shallows, which puts them into direct contact with us. We see a large ray bitten in half by a thrashing bull. Humans are victims too; Nigel meets an African fisherman who lost a leg to a bull shark and the doctor who saved his life. We ...
Snacks for the whale sharks Luis Javier Sandoval/VW Pics/Universal Images Group via Getty Images Snacks for the whale sharks A migratingwhale sharkopens wide while feeding on plankton near the surface at Isla Mujeres, Mexico. Whale sharks are the largest-known fish species alive today. ...
Films like Jaws gave sharks a man-eating reputation but when it comes to the animal responsible for the most human fatalities each year, nothing comes close to matching the mosquito. According to Gatesnotes, 725,000 people are killed bydevastating diseases carried by mosquitosannually. Snakes infl...