to remove the faded flowers of (a plant) especially to keep a neat appearance and to promote reblooming by preventing seed production deadheading词源英文解释 The first known use of deadhead was in 1841 deadheading 例句 1.Also, there is no need to deadhead these. 2.Are you my deadheading...
Petunia:Pinch off spent blooms between the thumb and forefinger. If plants become leggy, cut back by up to half their size in mid-summer to stimulate new growth and flowers. Some varieties are self-cleaning and need no deadheading. Learn more aboutdeadheading petunias. Rose:Roses can be one...
Should I cut roses after they bloom? While “repeat blooming“ roses should be pruned in very early spring, old-fashioned and heirloom climbing roses usually bloom on old growth, and should be prunedafter they bloom. For all climbing roses, remove crossing or rubbing branches and clean up the...