I'm trying to generate a PWM, but I need a dead time of of the order of nanoseconds, but the comand cyhal_pwm_init_adv() the minimum is 1 us, I'm trying to change the source of the clock but I can't, anybody would know how to do it or can help me? I attach the code h...
By using a popular space vector control method this paper investigates the behaviour of this current. By means of a computer simulation of an PWM inverter the appearance of dead-time effects dependent upon the working conditions of the drive system is discussed....
/* Insert DeadTime (1us) */ FTM1->DEADTIME = FTM_DEADTIME_DTPS(3) | FTM_DEADTIME_DTVAL(7); FTM1->SC|=FTM_SC_CLKS(1)|FTM_SC_PWMEN0_MASK|FTM_SC_PWMEN1_MASK|FTM_SC_PWMEN4_MASK |FTM_SC_PWMEN5_MASK; // Select clock and enable PWM while(1); } which part is phase ...
https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K/LCU-out-PWM/td-p/1759686 0 Kudos Reply 11-24-2023 02:23 PM 3,290 Views cranes Contributor III Hi Senlent, Thank you for your sharing. The demo works and I am able to generate a complementary PWMs with deadtime, through controlling LCU whic...
[TLE9893]-DEAD TIME 设置 Attachments are accessible only for community members. Log in Translation_Bot Community Manager 6 九月 2024 查看原创内容: English | 原作者: anitra93 这是机器翻译的内容 你好,我正在研究 TLE9893 EVB。 我通过使用 CCU7 外围设备的 T12 定时器实现了 PWM 驱动器。 PWM...
A new source for the DC current offset in the PWM inverter-fed loads is found. A significant irregularity in dead time voltage compensation due to a very small offset in phase current measurement is the cause for it. In the phase currents and voltages, high DC offsets appear at low curren...
英飞凌(Infineon)TC系列微控制器通常包含了高级的捕捉/比较单元(Capture/Compare Unit,简称CCU),用于电机控制和电源转换的应用中。CCU通常包含内置的功能,如脉宽调制(PWM)生成器,定时器,和死区控制(Dead Time Control,DTC)等,这些功能都是面向精确控制功率电子开关所必需的。
The optimal PWM method is widely in high power drive systems for its capability of achieving low output distortion at low switching frequency. However, the PWM dead-time inserted into PWM pulses for avoiding "shoot through" of inverter bridge arms will introduce modulation errors between ideal opti...
with the exception of pagination.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION 1Dead Time Compensation Methodfor Voltage-Fed PWM InverterSeon-Hwan Hwang, Student Member, IEEE, and Jang-Mok Kim, Member, IEEEAbstract—A new dead time compensation method for apulsewidth modulation (PWM) inverter is proposed...