THE NURSE THE HAG THE DOCTOR THE HUNTRESS THE CLOWN THE SPIRIT THE LEGION THE PLAGUE THE ONI THE TRICKSTER THE HILLBILLY Max Thompson Jr. Perks Enduring Lightborn Tinkerer Power The Chainsaw Overall The Hillbillyis a high-mobility Killer, able to cover large distances in a short amount of ti...
Dead Rat Found in Curry House
Rick, Carl, and Michonne continue to live in a house in a small town. The latter two go on a supply-run, while Rick stays behind. Later, Rick hides when a group of hostile strangers arrives at the house. He evades the group at every turn, until he encounters one in the bathroom an...
porosity of surface porotest porous ceramic filter porous temperature tr porous-layer open tub porousdeposit porousmedium poroussilicon-carbide porperidine porphyra yezoensis porphyrogenitus porphyromonasasacchar porphyrophobia porque en tus ojos es porque me muero yo si porrada porridge house porridge ri...
On the mantle inside the burned-out house to the north is the Cigarette Card for Jesse Raymond. On the platform of the windmill to the east is the Cigarette Card for Billy Midnight. Southeast of the windmill on the edge of the plateau overlooking Tumbleweed is the Gaptooth Ridge Tumbleweed...
Nea Karlsson is one of 41 Survivors currently featured in Dead by Daylight. She was introduced as the Survivor of CHAPTER 1: The Last Breath Chapter, a Chapter DLC released on 18 August 2016. Nea Karlsson is an Urban Artist, able to easily escape and hid
Braindead: Réalisé par Peter Jackson. Avec Timothy Balme, Diana Peñalver, Elizabeth Moody, Ian Watkin. La mère d'un jeune homme est mordue par un singe-rat de Sumatra. Elle tombe malade et meurt, puis elle revient à la vie, tue et mange des chiens
Uh oh, Mum disapproves. Good thing Mum doesn’t run a hotel with showers and peepholes and such… ah, but she gets Lionel back into the house. Nothing like a good guilt trip to keep the kids in line. There’s some talk of Father… he was Taken From Them. Oooh, that’s got to...
Whilst in cover, Micah discovers a dead body in the wagon and alerts Arthur, before a shootout occurs when the house's inhabitants are revealed to be O'Driscolls who attempt to kill them. After killing the enemy gang members, they loot the home, Micah finds a distressed woman in the ...
The Grove: Directed by Michael E. Satrazemis. With Andrew Lincoln, Norman Reedus, Steven Yeun, Lauren Cohan. Carol has to cope with old secrets and Lizzie's psychotic behavior when she, Tyreese and the girls take refuge in a vacant house on the way to Te