我不喜欢中文意译后的影片名称《春风化雨》,它给人一种过于温和、细腻、轻柔、和煦的灌溉式的教育理念,虽然符合中国文化的语境,但却抹煞了这部电影内在的主旨和内涵。《Dead Poets Society》,《死亡诗社》,多么强劲、狂野、直白、干脆的名称!“死亡”二字,渗透着些许震慑性的语言暴力色彩,它本身就带着一种义无反顾...
“Dead Poets Society” is a collection of pious platitudes masquerading as a courageous stand in favor of something: doing your own thing, I think. It’s about an inspirational, unconventional English teacher and his students at “the best prep school in America” and how he challenges them t...
FULL REVIEW A refreshing if obvious drama. [9 June 1989, Friday, p.A] By Gene Siskel The Globe and Mail (Toronto) Beneath the polished surface, Dead Poets Society is moribund at the core - too pat, too safe and too hypocritical, as conformist as the conformity it so easily decries. ...
《Dead Poets Society》所引发的一些感想 这篇影评可能有剧透 主要人物有:John Keating(Mr. Keating:Captain)Todd Anderson(刚开始是一个胆小退缩的人)Neil Perry(优等生,悲剧的发生者)Knox Overstreet(大胆追求爱情的人)Charlie Dalton(富家子弟,虽然很花,但一人做事一人当)Richard Cameron(最后为了自保而背叛的人...
Review byPedroZ34 Dead Poets Society1989 ★★★½ Watched26Sep2021 This movie is so moving and profound and it’s able to be told so well through the tone-shifting story. It’s not quite perfect but it’s already one of my instant favorites. “...
Review bydayzzzzz Dead Poets Society1989 ★★★ Rewatched20Jul2024 Somehow it was able to make me grin from ear to ear and cry my eyes out 5 likes home alone literally me ingraned in my brain sobbing dayzzzzzliked these reviews All ...
Movie review--Dead Poets SocietyMovie review---Dead Poets Society When first heard the name of the film---Dead Poets Society, I considered it as a scary movie, with a sight of scare, I begin to watch it. At the beginning of the film, the special occasion, humorous acting and handsome...
Dead Poets Society Review Dead Poets Society is a film that is intended to inspire, provoke thought, and bring a combination of humor and drama to the audience while pushing a non-conformist ideology at the core of the story. For the most part this works well. It is entertaining and blend...
这篇影评可能有剧透 Dead Poets SocietyDead Poets Society is a 1989 film which tells the story of an English teacher at a 1959 boys' preschool, which inspires his students to overcome their reluctance to make changes in their lives and stirs up their interests in poetry and literature.Carpe Die...