This paper proposes a simple masked image modeling (SimMIM) scheme, using only a linear projection off the masked tokens into pixel space followed by an L1 loss with the pixel values of the masked patches. Results are competitive with other more complicated approaches....
Version: v10.0.27.2 Release (37e76e772) Operating System: Windows 10 Running As Service: No Machine User: TYUser IP Address: MAC Address: 2C:F0:5D:7C:44:4E CPU Architecture: x64 CPUs: 12 CPU Usage: 11% Memory Usage: 3.2 GB / 32.0 GB (9%) Free Disk Space: 1.728...
Version: v10.0.27.2 Release (37e76e772) Operating System: Windows 10 Running As Service: No Machine User: TYUser IP Address: MAC Address: 2C:F0:5D:7C:44:4E CPU Architecture: x64 CPUs: 12 CPU Usage: 11% Memory Usage: 3.2 GB / 32.0 GB (9%) Free Disk Space: 1.728...