Anyways this year I have noticed some patches of dead grass. I live in the Chicagoland area and would prefer an organic solution.
Patches of dying or dormant grass alongside an otherwise healthy lawn mean that there is a problem other than weather conditions that is restricting its growth. In some cases, a sprinkler head could be broken which isn’t allowing the area to be properly watered. It could also be infected wi...
In 1992, Capcom released an enhanced version of the CPS-1 hardware that featured Q-Sound. With these boards they actually used two suicide batteries. In addition to the one on the C-board like regular CPS-1 games, there's also one on the Q-Sound board. (They really, really wanted to...
It’s not always so easy for the average homeowner. Grass typically goes dormant when it’s experiencing heat and drought stress or cold temperatures and happens uniformly across your lawn. Dead grass happens for a myriad of reasons and typically appears as circles or errant patches across the ...
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You can use benches, potted plants, large wooden boards, lawn mowers, cooked frying pans, so on and so forth. You also have a camera, which you can use to take pictures to earn experience. The more you level up, you can even learn all of the pro-wrestler kind of moves like a ...