trained her to become a geisha. Miyako is very protective of Kokoro, even to the point of not letting her go to the 4th Dead or Alive tournament, fearing for her safety and possibly finding out the truth of who she was. Her overprotective nature was such...
Daughter of Miyako Appears in | Edit Assignments Dead or Alive (Series) (1997) Dead or Alive 4 (2005) Dead or Alive: Dimensions (2011) Dead or Alive 5 (2012) Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 (2016) Dead or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation (2017) Dead or Alive 6 (2019) Quotes | Add...
MiyakoShe was largely obedient to her mother Miyako, to the extent of adhering to her geisha lessons and even resorted to asking for her permission to undergo the Dead or Alive fighting tournament. Kokoro also implies to the owner on her first birthday on the Venus Islands that, until that ...
Of the 143979 characters on Anime Characters Database, 72 are from the franchise Dead or Alive (Series).
Miyako Endô System Voice (voice) Dead or Alive 2 Ultimate(2004) Bin Shimada Zack (voice) Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind(1984) Hideyuki Hori Ryu Hayabusa (voice) Perfect Blue(1997) Toshio Furukawa Jann Lee (voice) Urusei Yatsura(1981) ...
warn Kasumi that DOATEC was still around, and that their village was destroyed by the DOATEC-Asia group. Ayane then collapsed into Kasumi's arms, although not before telling Kasumi that she was going to kill Miyako. However, this story treatment got rejected whenDead or Alive 5changed hands....
Lauren Landa is an American voice actress. Some of Landa's major roles include Litchi Faye Ling in the BlazBlue series, Kyoko Sakura in Puella Magi Madoka Magica, and Kirche in The Familiar of Zero. In the Dead or Alive series, Landa is the third and cur
Dead or Alive 2 Ultimate: Regia di Tomonobu Itagaki. Con Houko Kuwashima, Sakura Tange, Takeshi Aono, Yûko Nagashima. A redesigned version of Dead or Alive 2 for the Xbox.
Only DOA Helena Desert Queen Zoey (request) Dead or Alive 5 Last Round (2015) Helena Douglas Desert Queen Skin. Replaces all survivors L4D1(bill,francis,louis,zoey),L4D2 (nick,coach,ellis,rochelle) Skin. Zoey voice support works Credi... By l4dkk 10/21/2024 15,320 Mod N/A Thi...
Dead or Alive Xtreme: Venus Vacation added Fiona as a new character in the English version of the game. Check out her trailer, details, and screenshots.