"One More Time, One More Fight" —Tagline for the game. Dead or Alive Dimensions (also known as DOA Dimensions or simply Dimensions) is the 13th installment of the Dead or Alive franchise, and the tenth versus-fighting title of the series. Officially ann
Dead or Alive Franchise» Dead or Alive is a 3D fighting game franchise created by Tomonobu Itagaki. Featuring a unique parry system and a colorful cast of characters, the series has spanned multiple sequels and spin-offs. 41 results ...
"Hayate. Ayane… We've seen a scene like this before, the three of us..." —Kasumi to her siblings in Dead or Alive 6 Kasumi (Japanese: 霞[8]) is a nukenin ("missing shinobi") and former member of the Mugen Tenshin clan, who debuted in the first Dead or
Current During Christie's ending cutscene for Dead or Alive 4, Rachel (from the Ninja Gaiden series and later a guest character in Dead or Alive 5) can be scene in a red dress, hair tied up and wearing red lipstick sitting next to the man Christie assassinates. Itagaki, Dead or Alive...
U.S. Navy SEAL says dead terror suspect was alive when CIA took him away
Go to Hell Journey into overlapping dimensions where even more gruesome nightmares manifest, filled with treacherous landscapes and unspeakable horrors. Play as Ash Williams to defeat the demonic forces that lurk within, in a quest to save our world from eternal damnation. RetroRealms Arcade: Retro...