游戏编号:BLJM61085 - 日版(原版自带中文) 游戏名称:DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Ultimate / 生或死5 终极版/ 生死格斗5 Ultimate 游戏容量:6.47 GB 对应机种:PS3 游戏厂商:TECMO KOEI Games 运行方式:Roger 4.46 V1.01 + multiMan 04.46.01 外置完美运行 注:压缩包内含DLC解锁补丁以及官方1.01升级补丁,先装升级补丁再...
游戏名称:DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Ultimate / 生或死5 终极版/ 生死格斗5 Ultimate 游戏容量:6.47 GB ...
Dead Or Alive 5 Ultimate Review [lasso rel="amzn-meta-quest-3-128gb-breakthrough-mixed-reality-powerful-performance-asgards-wrath-2-bundle" id="175390"] Cheat mode Note: This code requires the “Last Round” upgrade. Enter the “Options” menu, and press L1 + L2 + R1 + R2. If ...
4 Dead or Alive 5 Ultimateis going free-to-play. "Core Fighers" will be available on PS3 this September, and it will make the "core game" experience free. Included in the base version are four characters: Kasumi, Ayane, Ryu, and Hayate. With those four characters, all modes are playa...