Doverhill is a research facility in Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online in the Roanoke Ridge region of the New Hanover territory. It lies northwest of Annesburg. It is the site of a laboratory belonging to inventor Marko Dragic, and is a key locati
Arthur's death is avenged in 1907 when John, Sadie and Charles manage to track down Micah and his gang at Mount Hagen. Micah gets his comeuppance and is jointly killed by John and Dutch for betraying the Van der Linde gang to the Pinkertons all those years ago. Ironically, John's act...
World Eaters Top Pages this Week Primarch 1 Emperor of Mankind 2 Space Marines 3 Emperor's Children 4 Blood Angels 5 Unaware of their sergeant's death due to the sight and sound dampening smoke, the World Eaters twins, Asubha and Subha, slaughtered their way through scores of Black Sentine...
Frank told them to move fast; they mopped the blood off the floor, stashed the body in the trunk of Joey's car, and drove up Mount Ormond. All four were digging in the muddy snow to dispose of the body when Frank spotted something moving through the woods. He grabbed his knife and...
↑The Lord of the Rings, Vol. I:The Fellowship of the Ring, Book Two, Ch. II: "The Council of Elrond", pg. 266 ↑10.010.1The Lord of the Rings,Appendix B: The Tale of Years (Chronology of the Westlands), "The Great Years" ...
The Town Hall is a location featured in Dead Island. It was a Safe House located in Moresby, and is inhabited by a number of survivors and police officers. The heroes first hear of the Town Hall, or at least the wealthy area, from Mother Helen when she g
References ↑The Infected ↑2.02.1The descriptions of the Hysteric and Blast Boomer were very roughly translated and may have deviated from it's original meaning, better translators would be appreciated. The Infected Playable Introduced inLeft 4 DeadIntroduced inLeft 4 Dead 2 ...
the slave trade comprised mainly Hispanics purchasing blacks from blacks and selling them to Latino landowners who worked them to death. Which means that when the US gets around to finally paying reparations Gisele Bündchen is going to owe Pele a lot of Tom Brady’s money. Happy civil rights...
白骨商人(简体名称;繁体名称为顱骨販子),本名阿德里亚娜·今井,是 黎明杀机 中的 37 位 杀手 之一。 她是 章节27:酷刑利器 中所推出的一名杀手,此 DLC 发布于 2023年 3月 7日。 白骨商人是名技术型杀手,利用无人机来侦测和束缚目标。 她的专属技能包括 好戏开场 ,
Not only does this deny them a player, but also distracts them long enough for your allies to mount an offensive. Good areas include: Going over the broken barricade in The Mall of Dead Center. Over the half broken fence in The Coaster of Dark Carnival right before they start the ...