蜱虫之母(Mama Tick)TBS是流程中的第一个boss之一。她会出现在巢穴,需要传送符文才能进入。 与她的战斗可以通过在被弃者沼泽献祭蘑菇君来避免,不过如果攻击她露在水面上的眼睛就会重新导致战斗。 需要坏种DLC才能进入。 动作模组 第一阶段 只能攻击到蜱虫之母露出水面的眼睛部分。 在一细胞及以上,蜱虫之母直接进入...
《Dead Cells》的首部付费 DLC 也是该游戏历史上的高光时刻,因为它引入了三大全新场景、五种新敌人和一个令人难忘的新首领“蜱虫之母”(Mama Tick)。 其中还包含多达 14 款新服装供你的“被囚者”更换,其中多款都以昆虫为主题,因此最对你们所有这些《Hollow Knight》粉丝的胃口了。 版本1.9 “Update of Plen...
· Le Nid : Domaine de Mama Tick, si vous avez vu Starship Troopers, vous comprenez l'idée... Ces deux nouveaux niveaux et leurs monstres représentent des alternatives à la Promenade des condamnés / Égouts toxiques et Remparts / Charnier / Ancien réseau d'égouts. Le boss est ...
· Le Nid : Domaine de Mama Tick, si vous avez vu Starship Troopers, vous comprenez l'idée... Ces deux nouveaux niveaux et leurs monstres représentent des alternatives à la Promenade des condamnés / Égouts toxiques et Remparts / Charnier / Ancien réseau d'égouts. Le boss est ...
• New boss to fight against: Mama Tick is dying to meet you FATAL FALLS DLC Ready for a leap of faith? • 3 new biomes - Get some fresh air at the Fractured Shrines, splash around at the Undying Shores and take a picture at the Mausoleum ...
The Nest: Domain of Mama Tick, if you’ve seen Starship Troopers, you get the idea... The two new levels and their monsters are alternatives to Promenade of the Condemned/Toxic Sewers and Ramparts/Ossuary/Ancient Sewers, with the boss designed to be on par with The Concierge, so hopefully...
• New boss to fight against: Mama Tick is dying to meet you FATAL FALLS DLC Ready for a leap of faith? • 3 new biomes - Get some fresh air at the Fractured Shrines, splash around at the Undying Shores and take a picture at the Mausoleum ...
Explore a relaxing Arboretum, wade through a noxious Swamp and take on a new boss in this early game content designed to expand the Dead Cells universe.
- The Nest: Domain of Mama Tick, if you’ve seen Starship Troopers, you get the idea... The two new levels and their monsters are alternatives to Promenade of the Condemned/Toxic Sewers and Ramparts/Ossuary/Ancient Sewers, with the boss designed to be on par with The Concierge, so ...
The Nest: Domain of Mama Tick, if you’ve seen Starship Troopers, you get the idea... The two new levels and their monsters are alternatives to Promenade of the Condemned/Toxic Sewers and Ramparts/Ossuary/Ancient Sewers, with the boss designed to be on par with The Concierge, so hopefully...