That is not all, as you can climb the wall to the right and enter the secret tunnel leading you to the pressure panel. After you press it to return to the newly opened door. Jump on the ledge over it and climb the vertical wall using the Spider Rune. This way, you will reach a ...
In the cellar, Daryl throws her in a cell as Michonne rips off her blindfold and tells her "No more bullshit!" Daryl, Michonne, and Tara interrogate Lydia, who claims to not have a name and that her group consisted of good people who were just trying to survive. Michonne asks if her...
When you get there Head for Echo farm Army is evacing now They can't hold out forever HURRY!TRAVIS Kids Are Fine I LOVE YOU EMARTIN - Went To Find High ground to see if cell would work. When I came back You were gone. Waited as long as I could!Sorry...
Before attending to Micah, Arthur brings Lenny to Valentine for a drink to calm his nerves, and both of them get very drunk. Once he has sobered up, Arthur heads for Strawberry to rescue Micah. The Sheriff refuses to release Micah, so Arthur breaks the bars on his cell and a firefight...
After a tough fight, Christie manages to knock off Donovan's glasses, preventing him from using the DOA program. Kasumi and Hayate then finish him off when Hayate knocked the plank on which Donovan was standing thus bursting the cell in the leg and Kasumi putting a needle in the back of ...
Over the course of the numerous Necromorph outbreaks that litter the timeline of the Dead Space series, the protagonists of each game have encountered a number of survivors. Due to the effects of the Markers, it is likely that some of them were hallucina
Dead Rising 2: Off The Record Bonus costumes Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding costume […] General Dead Rising 2: Off The Record Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 3 (PS3) ...
Fan Central Current The Infected Playable Introduced inLeft 4 DeadIntroduced inLeft 4 Dead 2 The BoomerThe HunterThe SmokerThe TankThe ChargerThe JockeyThe Spitter Non-Playable Introduced inLeft 4 DeadIntroduced inLeft 4 Dead 2Cut Infected
In Act 2, enter the mayor’s office in City Hall before it gets attacked by zombies. Knock down the painting on the very back wall in the room behind the desk to find three photos of a semi-nude blonde woman. Banoi Herald Excerpt locations ...
Go into the tower and climb to the walkway, watching out for the sentry on the wall. Headshot for one, sir? From the same walkway where the sentry was, look to the north and shoot the lantern hanging above the woodpile. Talk about an accident waiting to happen. ...