The Gong Show was an American television program from the 1970s in which marginally-talented contestants performed various stage acts that were then judged by a panel of D-List celebrities from the era. If a contestant was particularly bad, the act would be interrupted by someone on the panel...
And Deeper Celebrities Who Self-Harm Linda Jones Photo: Loma Records Wikimedia Commons Public Domain Linda Jones, a soul singer whose career began at age 6 as a member of the Jones Singers, died in between sets at the Apollo Theater in Harlem on March 14, 1972 after being diagnosed with ...
With a series of star-studded roles trailing right behind him to remind everyone of the legacy he has led so far like as Aragorn in The Lord of the Rings saga, he is easily one of the most commended and respected celebrities in the entertainment industry.Viggo Mortensen. | Credit: ...
Hazmat2 // Wikimedia Commons 1998: Teen People "Real people, real teens” was the tagline for Teen People magazine. Teens across America enjoyed reading stories about fashion, beauty, and celebrities until the magazine folded in 2006. 1999: MSN Messenger GNOME Icon Artists // Wikimedia Commons...
It was Arnold Schwarzenegger who pestered AM General to produce a civilian version of the military vehicle in 1992 called a Hummer, and the vehicles were popular with celebrities and those craving attention. General Motors purchased the Hummer brand in 1999, expanding the lineup and driving ...
Even as the iPhone turned five, BlackBerry-owner Research in Motion had record subscribers and its iconic PDA-style cell phones were still the must-have gadgets of teenagers, business executives, and celebrities alike. But within months of its all-time subscriber high of...
operating on celebrities like Bono of U2, after a severe accident on his bike in Central Park. Despite Dr Lorich’s world-renowned surgical skills, authorities say he missed his heart and instead stabbed himself in the torso (close but not quite close enough). I had no idea when I broke...
It was Arnold Schwarzenegger who pestered AM General to produce a civilian version of the military vehicle in 1992 called a Hummer, and the vehicles were popular with celebrities and those craving attention. General Motors purchased the Hummer brand in 1999, expanding the lineup and driving ...
The Gong Show was an American television program from the 1970s in which marginally-talented contestants performed various stage acts that were then judged by a panel of D-List celebrities from the era. If a contestant was particularly bad, the act would be interrupted by someone on the panel...
The Gong Show was an American television program from the 1970s in which marginally-talented contestants performed various stage acts that were then judged by a panel of D-List celebrities from the era. If a contestant was particularly bad, the act would be interrupted by someone on the panel...