Dead By Daylight doesn’t really have a clear way to tell a winner from a loser. The only clear way of telling someone won is either all survivors escape or everyone died. Maybe you made a move that let the killer down you and hook you, but maybe that also allowed the rest of your...
In the game files, the Survivors are being referred to as "Campers", likely due to them sitting around The Campfire in-between trials.图标名称描述角色 惊喜连连 幸运女神仿佛总是在向你伸出橄榄枝。 当你从箱子 里拿出道具 的时候,会有100 %的几率同时获得罕见或更低稀有度的附加品 。 也有10/...
Trapped forever in a realm of eldritch evil where even death is not an escape, four determined Survivors face a bloodthirsty Killer in a vicious game of nerve and wits. Pick a side and step into a world of tension and terror with horror gaming's best asy
In Dead By Daylight, survivor characters can maximize their Bloodpoints to progress using two kinds of builds and perks: healing and objective.
每场游戏有一名杀手(The Killer)与四名逃生者(The Survivors)参加,依游玩人数+1决定打开大门需要修好的发电机数量(依每一局游戏当中进入地图的逃生者数量来决定)。扮演杀手的玩家负责找出逃生者,将他们击倒后,抓起并挂在地图中的钩子献祭,挂上后须经过两个阶段的时间让恶灵伸出爪子(共2分钟),刺杀逃生者并将他们...
This Edition of Dead by Daylight gives you access to a roster of 7 Killers (The Trapper, The Hillbilly, The Wraith, The Nurse, The Hag, The Huntress and The Doctor) and 9 Survivors (Meg Thomas, Claudette Morel, Jake Park, Dwight Fairfield, Ace Visconti, Nea Karlsson, Bill Overbeck, Fen...
Perks are extra abilities obtainable by Killers and Survivors. They offer new ways to evade, hide, help others, attack, catch and kill, or improve existing abilities. Equip the Perks that fit your preferred strategy and playstyle. Perks are first found in the Bloodweb at Tier I. They can...
Dead by Daylight is a four vs. one multiplayer horror game. One player takes on the role of the evil deadly killer, hunting down the four players known as survivors. The killer's primary goal is to capture all four players, and the survivors aim to power up generates while keeping out ...
Step into the Fog as the hunter or the hunted with a selection of 34 original Killers and Survivors from previously released chapters. Every character in Dead by Daylight comes complete with a compelling backstory tied to a set of powers and perks that guarantee no two look, move, or play ...
Embrace terror with Dead by Daylight’s Gold Edition, which includes the base game and 12 Chapters for a total of 16 Killers and 19 Survivors. Whether you’re starting your journey in The Fog or looking to take things to the next level, there’s no better starting point than the Gold ...