The blue tint of frozen skin complements quite nicely with all that red, doesn’t it? Dead by Daylight’s Bone Chill Event is back, offering up a gift of holiday horror alongside all those cookies and milk. Bone Chill has been an ongoing tradition for several years now, and each iteratio...
The Dredge is one of 38 Killers currently featured in Dead by Daylight. It was introduced as the Killer of CHAPTER 24: Roots of Dread, a Chapter DLC released on 7 June 2022 and retired on 14 May 2024. It is still available in the In-Game Store and as par
【黎明杀机】军团四人组脸模提取图·Dead by Daylight Animation Legion 11.3万 108 2:54 App 【黎明杀机】枯魔脸模还原人类时期·Dead by Daylight Animation Blight Human Skin Render 3.8万 4 2:21 App 【黎明杀机】枯萎者的自传动画[内含猎奇,重口画面,谨慎观看] 4.9万 49 2:21 App 【黎明杀机】妖巫脸模...
Ghost Face® sluit zich aan bij Dead by Daylight. Hij verstopt zich in het holst van de nacht en stalkt zijn slachtoffers voor hij ze aanvalt. De Ghost Face DLC bevat twee exclusieve items voor de Ghost: de skin Monochrome Maniak en het wapen Zilverstaal Mes. Deze items zijn alleen...
Dead by Daylight Wiki 官方wiki 1,178 个页面 探索 navigation Gamepedia 快速導航 分类: 含有受损文件链接的页面、角色、杀手、 以及 其他2个分类 大陆简体 中文 连体婴 登录以编辑 连体婴(简体) 双胞胎(繁体) 本名 夏洛特·德赛特维克多·德赛特 性别 女(夏洛特)、男(维克多) 国别 法国 幻境...
DEAD BY DAYLIGHT, the world-famous 4vs1 asymmetrical survival horror game, is coming to mobile for free! OFFICIAL ON MOBILE, JOIN THE FOG NOW!
【黎明杀机】兔妈脸模提取还原图4K·Dead by Daylight Animation Huntress Human Skin Render. 11.8万 112 03:42 App 黎明杀机搬运 军团同人 20.1万 212 03:15 App ⚡⚡⚡我要玩军团⚡⚡⚡ 24.5万 710 05:57 App 杀机单排真是太有意思了 51.8万 81 00:24 App 室友玩老杨玩太久被附身了 33.2万...
DEAD BY DAYLIGHT, the world-famous 4vs1 asymmetrical survival horror game, is coming to mobile for free! OFFICIAL ON MOBILE, JOIN THE FOG NOW!
Dead by Daylight Wiki 武器可打印版不再被支持且可能有渲染错误。请更新您的浏览器书签并改用浏览器默认的打印功能。 以下列出了所有 杀手 在黎明杀机 中的武器: 砍肉刀 砍肉刀 是陷阱杀手 的主要武器。一把凶残的砍肉刀,由他本人亲手用矿井里的金属铸造而成。 Upon hitting a Survivor, The Trapper ...
Dead By Daylight is a 4v1 game, you will not always kill every single survivor, it would be foolish to think you will. Accept that sometimes some will escape, maybe even all of them! What’s really important is that you take this loses as an opportunity to learn from them. ...