The asymmetry, procedural factors and unique thinking of human individuals make each Dead by Daylight trial an unexpected scenario where the combined behaviour of each Player creates a truly terrifying and thrilling narrative. Dead by Daylight Characters each have a deep progression and Unlockables whic...
The asymmetry, procedural factors and unique thinking of human individuals make each Dead by Daylight trial an unexpected scenario where the combined behaviour of each Player creates a truly terrifying and thrilling narrative. Dead by Daylight Characters each have a deep progression and Unlockables whic...
Dead by Daylight Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. View Mobile Site Follow on IG TikTok Join Fan Lab Check out Fandom Quizzes and cha 本网站使用Cookie Fandom以及其合作伙伴在网站上将使用Cookie等技术储存和收集来自您浏览器的信息,进而定制化内容和广告,提供社交媒体功能,以及分析网站流量。 如我们的隐私...
The Killers are the main protagonists/antagonists depending on the player's POV of the horror co-op video game Dead by Daylight, once regular humans, they had their dark desires amplified by the Entity and became serial killers. After being chosen, they
Dead by Daylight Wiki 官方wiki 1,171 個頁面 探索 navigation Gamepedia 快速導航 分類: 含有受損文件連結的頁面、殺手、男性角色 臺灣正體 中文 幽靈殺手 檢視原始碼 本條目包含未發布的或公開的測試內容 本條目包含開發人員尚未發布的內容或當前正在進行的公共測試中具有的內容。因此,本文章和與之直接...
食人魔 is the fourth licensed Character to be introduced to Dead by Daylight. He is the second licensed Killer to be introduced. 电锯杀手 is said to be based directly on 皮脸 和德州电锯杀人狂 系列电影, explaining their similarities in looks and abilities. 食人魔 is one of few Killers that...
wiki AdvertisementDead by Daylight Wiki 幽灵杀手 本条目包含未发布的或公开的测试内容 本条目包含开发人员尚未发布的内容或当前正在进行的公共测试中具有的内容。因此,本文章和与之直接相关的文章(例如:附加品)中的任何信息都可能会发生变化,因此应谨慎对待。 在正式发布内容之前,仅管理员拥有这些文章的编辑权。 The...
食人魔 is the fourth licensed Character to be introduced to Dead by Daylight. He is the second licensed Killer to be introduced. 电锯杀手 is said to be based directly on 皮脸 和德州电锯杀人狂 系列电影, explaining their similarities in looks and abilities. 食人魔 is one of few Killers that...
Downloadable Content, also known as "DLCs", add additional content to Dead by Daylight . As of date, there are 34 available DLCs, with some being free and some being paid.There are also several exclusive DLCs that cannot be obtained from any Store. DLCs
Dead by Daylight is an indie horror game developed and published by Behaviour Digital Inc.. Dead by Daylight is both an action and survival horror multiplayer game in which one crazed, unstoppable Killer hunts down four Survivors through a terrifying nig