Play Killer or Survivor The Thrill of the Hunt Survival is Better Together Unpredictable Multiplayer Action Rewarding Progression News STAY ONE STEP AHEAD Get all the latest Dead by Daylight news, updates, deals, and more delivered straight to your inbox. ...
Play Killer or Survivor The Thrill of the Hunt Survival is Better Together Unpredictable Multiplayer Action Rewarding Progression News STAY ONE STEP AHEAD Get all the latest Dead by Daylight news, updates, deals, and more delivered straight to your inbox. ...
Trapped forever in a realm of eldritch evil where even death is not an escape, four determined Survivors face a bloodthirsty Killer in a vicious game of nerve and wits. Pick a side and step into a world of tension and terror with horror gaming's best asy
Dead by Daylight Wiki 官方wiki 1,178 個頁面 探索 navigation Gamepedia 快速導航 分類: 含有受損文件鏈接的頁面、殺手、男性角色 繁體 中文 幽靈殺手 檢視原始碼 本條目包含未發布的或公開的測試內容 本條目包含開發人員尚未發布的內容或當前正在進行的公共測試中具有的內容。因此,本文章和與之直接相關...
Dead by Daylight is both an action and survival horror multiplayer game in which one crazed, unstoppable Killer hunts down four Survivors through a terrifying nightmarish world in a deadly game of Cat & Mouse. It was released on 14 June 2016 for PC (Steam) and on 20 June 2017 for Console...
Dead by Daylight is both an action and survival horror multiplayer game in which one crazed, unstoppable Killer hunts down four Survivors through a terrifying nightmarish world in a deadly game of Cat & Mouse. It was released on 14 June 2016 for PC (Steam) and on 20 June 2017 for Console...
每场游戏有一名杀手(The Killer)与四名逃生者(The Survivors)参加,依游玩人数+1决定打开大门需要修好的发电机数量(依每一局游戏当中进入地图的逃生者数量来决定)。扮演杀手的玩家负责找出逃生者,将他们击倒后,抓起并挂在地图中的钩子献祭,挂上后须经过两个阶段的时间让恶灵伸出爪子(共2分钟),刺杀逃生者并将他们...
The Killers are the main protagonists/antagonists depending on the player's POV of the horror co-op video game Dead by Daylight, once regular humans, they had their dark desires amplified by the Entity and became serial killers. After being chosen, they
每场游戏有一名杀手(The Killer)与四名逃生者(The Survivors)参加,依游玩人数+1决定打开大门需要修好的发电机数量(依每一局游戏当中进入地图的逃生者数量来决定)。扮演杀手的玩家负责找出逃生者,将他们击倒后,抓起并挂在地图中的钩子献祭,挂上后须经过两个阶段的时间让恶灵伸出爪子(共2分钟),刺杀逃生者并将他们...
Dead by Daylight is a 4v1 multiplayer action survival horror game that allows you to play the killer or one of the 4 survivors. Learn about the gameplay and the characters now!