Tome 22: ANGUISH Dead by Daylight’s ANGUISH Tome has opened, featuring tormented Outfits for The Blight and Jane Romero, deadly challenges to complete, and some of the most brutal unlockables your twisted mind can imagine. Learn moreWatch trailer ...
Dead by Daylight’s ANGUISH Tome has opened, featuring tormented Outfits for The Blight and Jane Romero, deadly challenges to complete, and some of the most brutal unlockables your twisted mind can imagine. Learn moreWatch trailer LATEST COLLECTIONS ...
Dead by Daylight’s ANGUISH Tome has opened, featuring tormented Outfits for The Blight and Jane Romero, deadly challenges to complete, and some of the most brutal unlockables your twisted mind can imagine. Learn moreWatch trailer LATEST COLLECTIONS ...
Dead by Daylight’s ANGUISH Tome has opened, featuring tormented Outfits for The Blight and Jane Romero, deadly challenges to complete, and some of the most brutal unlockables your twisted mind can imagine. Learn moreWatch trailer LATEST COLLECTIONS ...
Dead by Daylight’s ANGUISH Tome has opened, featuring tormented Outfits for The Blight and Jane Romero, deadly challenges to complete, and some of the most brutal unlockables your twisted mind can imagine. Learn moreWatch trailer LATEST COLLECTIONS ...
Dead by Daylight’s ANGUISH Tome has opened, featuring tormented Outfits for The Blight and Jane Romero, deadly challenges to complete, and some of the most brutal unlockables your twisted mind can imagine. Learn moreWatch trailer LATEST COLLECTIONS ...
Dead by Daylight is an indie horror game developed and published by Behaviour Interactive. Dead by Daylight is both an action and survival horror multiplayer game in which one crazed, unstoppable Killer hunts down four Survivors through a terrifying nightmarish world in a deadly game of Cat & Mou...
Dead by Daylight Wiki 武器可打印版本不再受到支持且可能有渲染错误。请更新您的浏览器书签并改用浏览器默认打印功能。 以下列出了所有 杀手 在黎明杀机 中的武器: 砍肉刀 砍肉刀 是陷阱杀手 的主要武器。一把凶残的砍肉刀,由他本人亲手用矿井里的金属铸造而成。 Upon hitting a Survivor, The Trapper ...
Dead by Daylight is an indie horror game developed and published by Behaviour Interactive. Dead by Daylight is both an action and survival horror multiplayer game in which one crazed, unstoppable Killer hunts down four Survivors through a terrifying nightmarish world in a deadly game of Cat & Mou...
Päästä kauhu valloilleen Dead by Daylightin Gold Editionilla, joka sisältää peruspelin lisäksi pelin 12 lisälukua eli yhteensä 16 tappajaa ja 19 selviytyjää.Oletpa sitten vasta aloittamassa taivaltasi sumussa tai aikeissa nostaa pelin uudelle tasolle, Gold Edition...