Dead by Daylight celebrates the Year of the Rabbit with the Moonlight Burrow Collection, introducing new Very Rare Outfits for Vittorio Toscano and Feng Min. Happy Lunar New Year! Vittorio Toscano – Auspicious Apparel Throughout his European travels, Vittorio discovered and studied a wealth of ...
Frank Morrison, Julie Kostenko, Susie Lavoie, and Joey (last name is unknown to date) or "The Legion" are one of 38 Killers currently featured in Dead by Daylight. They were introduced as the Killer of CHAPTER 10: Darkness Among Us, a Chapter DLC release
The stormy Atlantic crossing had battered the squadron’s vessels, and ships’ carpenters spent the dwindling daylight hours mending masts and repairing riggings. Many of the squadron’s 1,800 or so humans were in similar disrepair—complaining of weakness, exhaustion, sore limbs, loss of tee...
Legendary Mud Runner Buck (The Heartlands - Flat Iron Lake [Daylight, Dry Weather])Legendary Snow Buck (Aurora Basin [Daylight, Dry Weather]) Players who sedate these creatures, and bring samples back to Harriet will receive the following:50% Bonus XP / Role XP / RDO$ Players who kill ...