a survivor (Co-op) Explore Gameplay Icons of Horror The only game where horror’s greatest franchises collide. View All Characters Latest Release Tome 22: ANGUISH Dead by Daylight’s ANGUISH Tome has opened, featuring tormented Outfits for The Blight and Jane Romero, deadly challenges to complet...
Dead by Daylight’s ANGUISH Tome has opened, featuring tormented Outfits for The Blight and Jane Romero, deadly challenges to complete, and some of the most brutal unlockables your twisted mind can imagine. Learn moreWatch trailer LATEST COLLECTIONS ...
Dead by Daylight’s ANGUISH Tome has opened, featuring tormented Outfits for The Blight and Jane Romero, deadly challenges to complete, and some of the most brutal unlockables your twisted mind can imagine. Learn moreWatch trailer LATEST COLLECTIONS ...
PS4とPS5で『Dead by Daylight』を購入しよう。無敵のキラーと、残酷な死から逃れようとする4人のサバイバーから、プレイする役を選ぼう。
The asymmetry, procedural factors and unique thinking of human individuals make each Dead by Daylight trial an unexpected scenario where the combined behaviour of each Player creates a truly terrifying and thrilling narrative. Dead by Daylight Characters each have a deep progression and Unlockables whic...
Dead by Daylight Mobile下载栏目提供了最全的Dead by Daylight Mobile版本内容,喜欢这款游戏的玩家,可以下载最新的官方版本,还能够找到相同类型的游戏,保证每一位来到这里的玩家都能够找到感兴趣的游戏版本。更新时间:2025-02-01Dead by Daylight Mobile版本大全 国际服 Dead...
Dead by Daylight PS4™ & PS5™ (日语, 韩语, 简体中文, 繁体中文, 英语) 全球玩家评价 4.17平均评价4.17颗星(满分5颗星,117528个评价) 117528个评价 66% 13% 6% 2% 13% 游戏和法律信息 购买该产品后,您可以同时下载该游戏的 PS4™ 数字版和 PS5™ 数字版。
导语:Dead by Daylight是一款多人(4vs1) 的恐怖游戏。游戏由其中一人扮演野蛮杀手,另外四人扮演逃生者。逃生者们将试图从野蛮杀手手中奋力逃脱,从而让自己免去被残忍杀害的危险。回复时间排序 c +关注 纯爱牛头人ntr 2月26日 00:06 来自deadbydaylight超话 ...
This Edition of Dead by Daylight gives you access to a roster of 7 Killers (The Trapper, The Hillbilly, The Wraith, The Nurse, The Hag, The Huntress and The Doctor) and 9 Survivors (Meg Thomas, Claudette Morel, Jake Park, Dwight Fairfield, Ace Visconti, Nea Karlsson, Bill Overbeck, Fen...
《Dead by Daylight》是一款多人生存的恐怖逃生游戏,游戏的玩法很简单,一局一共5个玩家,随机一名玩家是变态的杀人狂,拥有独特的追踪能力,其他四名玩家则是互相帮助,逃出杀人狂的魔爪。游戏采用的第三和第一人称视角,随你切换,游戏恐怖刺激的在线竞技,然你体验杀戮与生存的极致乐趣。 游戏详情 Dead by Daylight...