While the role of a deaconess can vary by denomination, including duties such as teaching, caregiving, and assisting in church services, nuns engage in a broader range of religious and community services, influenced by their specific orders' charisms, such as education, healthcare, and aid to ...
The Deaconess: New Sources in Medieval Pastoralia (This essay establishes the rationale for the publication of the text of the intervention.) Vagaggini's scholarship is sound: he marshals evidence on the role of deaconesses from church orders (Didascalia and Apostolic Constitutions), the late fou...
The objective of this article is to restore the credibility of the church within society by reestablishing its public role. Through the study of the lives and activities of women ministers in early Christianity, the research reveals that early Christianity initially granted equal author...
3 2 The Role of Deacons in the First CenturyChristian Church... 7 3 Female Deacons of the First CenturyChristian Church... 13 4 Deacons and Deaconesses inEarly Adventism ... 21 5 The Systemic
women Maximilla and Priscilla who claimed to be speaking divine revelation from God.8 The feelings of many church leaders duringthese heresies can be identified with the thoughts of Tertullian, who spoke clearly of the role women played within these groups when he wrote, "The very women of ...
Drawing upon church policy statements, deaconess narratives of experience which entered the public domain, as well as reminiscences which did not, it situates the deaconess missionaries in relation to the assimilationist discourses and gender assumptions of their day. It considers how Pakeha (European...
3 2 The Role of Deacons in the First CenturyChristian Church... 7 3 Female Deacons of the First CenturyChristian Church... 13 4 Deacons and Deaconesses inEarly Adventism ... 21 5 The Systemic
As the sisters added a social work role to evangelism and education, many were drawn into close association with Maori communities, acting as advocates for Maori causes and challenging derogatory Pakeha constructs of Maori lifestyles.TennantMargaret...
in Germany realized they were losing women to Lutherans and other denominations because they did not have an established deaconess role for women. The attempt to establish a deaconess movement in German Methodism initially failed in 1873 but succeeded a year late...