After drawing analytical conclusions using the fsQCA method, a robustness check of the adequacy of the obtained pathway configurations is required to verify the reliability of the results in more depth. Schneider and Wagemann proposed four operations for the robustness analysis: change of calibration, ...
·making science.and play important role in promoting both the theoretical development and the practical application.With the further development of economic globalization and regional economic integration and unity,efficiency issues critical to competitive status and influence of various countries and their ...
Assuming you’ve installed your JDK and have the appropriate environment variables set. Also, you’ll want to get to the command prompt or terminal and type: java -version to verify the installed JDK. Eg. Java 9 early release build 162. Step 1:Create a directory in your home directory fo...
The impact of regional economic development on transportation efficiency and transportation structure equilibrium is positive, indicating that economic development will promote the overall improvement of transportation levels. Table 9. GMM estimation. 4.4.4. Impulse Response Analysis In order to verify the...
These social connections also enhance the possibility of infecting queen nests that are usually present but away from the point of application [55]. Bearing in mind the above realities, this study was designed to verify the efficacy of different indigenous EPN isolates (Steinernema carpocapsae, ...
• be experienced in working with ABB robots • be experienced RAPID programmer • be familiar with system parameters • have the latest version of the RobotWare Add-In Packaging tool that supports RobotWare 7 (minimal tool version is 1.10) Application manual - RobotW...
Finally, gray relation theory is used to verify the driving factors involved in ES, and the research finds that ES is affected by the economy and environment. 5.1. ES assessment methods This paper discussed the long-term operational process of ES in the reservoir and described its spatio...
Application status records of year-end physical inventory List and physical inventory card年终盘点卡与清册使用-状况明细表 blank and waste sheet NO.空白与作废单号 plate电镀 mold成型 material for engineering mold testing工程试模材料生管物控网( not included in physical inventory不列入盘点...
# 编译,执行配置: 考虑到后续安装ssl证书 添加两个模块./configure --with-http_stub_status_module --with-http_ssl_module 编译安装 #对nginx编译和安装make& make install 启动Nginx服务:安装好的Nginx服务在/usr/local/nginx下: [root@xxx sbin]# pwd...
InferenceProfileStatusActive)), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(resourceName, names.AttrType, string(types.InferenceProfileTypeApplication)), acctest.CheckResourceAttrRFC3339(resourceName, "updated_at"), ), }, { ResourceName: resourceName, ImportState: true, ImportStateVerify: true, ImportSta...