Idiot's attract their fans and enemies to follow them on X. X uses those login numbers to fuel his advertising rates. Advertisers pay Elon because they think X's audience numbers are spreading their company info that makes them sales. Trump uses those sales to get CEO's to back him. ...
numbers, dramaticallylowsthecomplexityofthealgorithm.Thecomputing procedureismoreconciseandtheareaofDEAandInverseDEA'sapplication hasbeenbroaden. Third,wediscusstheallocationproblem.Giventhatsomeextraresource areavailabletoallorpartofDMUs,Wewanttheallocationtobemostefective ...
consideringtheInverseDEAscharacters,weaimonly onthedecisionmakingunit(DMU)whichischoosed.Thenewalgorithmavoids computingonotherirrelevantDMUs,usinganinequalityoftwosequencesof realnumbers,dramaticallylowsthecomplexityofthealgorithm.Thecomputing procedureismoreconciseandtheareaofDEAandInverseDEAsapplication hasbeen...
Second, it does not require pre-assigning weights to inputs and outputs, allowing the efficient frontier to be determined by the data itself. Thus, the weights are assigned optimally by DEA (Yang et al., 2023). This study utilizes network data envelopment analysis (DEA) to evaluate the rela...
These numbers are similar to ORF counts from other Blattabacterium genomes sequenced to date (Table 1). Almost all the genes essential for DNA replication, RNA transcription, and mRNA translation machinery are present. Thirty-two tRNA genes, capable of transferring all amino acids and a single ...
But according to the EDDB and ELF analyses, both of them are more aromatic than the 2Au-indolium reported in 2016 (ref. 17). Moreover, the aromatics induced by HA could be regulated by changing types and numbers of substituents, especially the transition metal substituents based on our ...
Alternative communication methods may be used or required if, for example, email or Slack accounts are believed to have been compromised and are unavailable, or their use would tip-off an adversary.Phone numbers, email and other details on individuals and our key suppliers can be found in key...
Policymakers, who are constantly discussing growing health expenditures, should know whether the health system is efficient. We can provide them with such information through international health system efficiency evaluations. The main objectives of this study are: (a) to evaluate the efficiency of heal...
In this section we will illustrate the various concepts proposed above using numbers from six verticies, all being BCC-efficient. One of these vertices will violate the RUP-condition (6). For all other vertices we will choose marginal products or equivalently scale elasticities within the appropria...
The latter requires passing the numbers of samples (in our case, 100) and intervals (3). To make the stochastic results reproducible, we used the random seed of 5. Units C and E are efficient (E∗=1). The latter attains the best pessimistic efficiency (E∗=0.6) and super-...