声压级LP表征声音的强度,如式(2)所示: 其中,P表示声压,单位为帕斯卡(Pa),P0为常数2×10-5Pa。本系统中控制声压在0.02 Pa~0.2 Pa之间,声压过小会增加接收和处理的难度,声压过大将失去本系统的实用性。 系统采用分组密码,将明文划分成固定位数的字符分组,一组一组地进行加密,安全性高,易于标准化,加密与解密...
While the model development and application appeared to be successful, politics overturned the results in the short run. In the longer term, the results have been shown to be reasonably robust and have become a base-line reference for future developments. As such, this paper reports a ...
PHEMA-PSt-PAEMA ABA-type block copolymerLymphocyteNecrosisMitochondriaComputerized transmission electron microscopic image analysisData envelopment analysis has a high application potential for environmental management/ecological controlling, especially for eco-benchmarking projects. The aim of this paper is to ...
An application procedure for DEA. Omega. 1989;17(3):237–50. https://doi.org/10.1016/0305-0483(89)90029-7. Article Google Scholar Emrouznejad A, Thanassoulis E. A mathematical model for dynamic efficiency using data envelopment analysis. Appl Math Comput. 2005;160(2):363–78. https...
ApplicationofDEAMethodtoMeasurementofEfficiencyofChineseCommercialAirports DUYe-fu,ZHUXin-hua,FENGMin (AviationTransportEconomicsandManagementScienceResearchBase,CAUC,Tianjin300300,China) Abstract:ThepaperpresentsaDEAapproachtoevaluatetheefficiencyofChinesecommercialairports. Thoughafew peoplehaveevaluatedairportoperatio...
(1989). An application procedure for data envelopment analysis. Omega, 17(3), 237–250. Article Google Scholar Jondrow, J., Lovell, C. K., Materov, I. S., & Schmidt, P. (1982). On the estimation of technical inefficiency in the stochastic frontier production function model. Journal...
18987 NEMKO V4069 • The recognition number might change by the revision of the application standard and the change within the range of acquisition. • Please contact us when the recognition of CQC (Chinese Safety Standard) or KTL (South Korean Safety Standard) is necessary. 8 Item q Type...
Application 1.Added in shampoo and hand washing, it can not only stablize foam and thicken the liquid, but also will reduce the irritation to skin. 2.For it can soften fibre textile, it is especially suitable for washing animal's fibre, such as hair and thread...
Log in to the application to activate the fake GPS. Click on the “Start” button to change the GPS location. Now, connect your system with an Android device through a USB cable. Please choose your device as soon as it is detected. Choose the desired location or enter the GPS ...
The insect order Phasmatodea is known for large slender insects masquerading as twigs or bark. In contrast to these so-called stick insects, the subordinated clade of leaf insects (Phylliidae) are dorso-ventrally flattened and therefore resemble leaves i