锁相环(PLL)是一种闭环频率控制电路,用于比较压控振荡器的输入信号和输出信号之间的相位差. 负反馈回路迫使锁相环的输出信号与输入信号同相。 几乎所有的FPGA都含有用于时钟产生和分配的片内锁相环.锁相环最大的优点是能产生不同于输入时钟的输出时钟信号. 例如,完全可以使用锁相环从DE10‐LITE板上的50 MHz外...
DE10-Lite VGA管脚分配参考DE10-Lite_User_Manual.pdf 第36页: DE0-CV的VGA管脚分配参考DE0_CV_User_Manual.pdf 第32页: 测试结果 以DE10-Lite为例进行测试: 源码下载 DE10-Lite工程:http://mail.terasic.com.tw/~dongliu/DE10-Lite/DE10-Lite_VGA.rar DE0-CV工程:http://mail.terasic.com.tw/~d...
LEDR LED displays(active high)下拉 On — "1" Off — "0" SW switches(active high)上1下0 Up position — "1" Down position — "0" KEY push buttons(active low)按下0弹起1 De-bounced [DE-10 Lite User Manual, page 6, 25] Press — "0" Release — "1" References: 1. Notes on a...
the code have done seccessfullu compliation and i made the pin connection according to DE10-lite manual. 0 Kudos Copy link Reply BXia New Contributor I 06-16-2024 06:03 PM 1,143 Views How did you assign your input pins? And did you program the DE10_LITE_Default.sof in DE...
In the document "Hello_World_Lab_Manual_DE10_Lite" they refer to the link "http://www.alterawiki.com/wiki/File:DE10_Lite_qsys_workshop.zip" the link is not working anymore. Does someone know how to get te file "DE10_Lite_qsys_workshop.zip" ? I would really appre...
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as explained in device manualProgrammable Output Slew-Rate ControlThe programmable output slew-rate control is available for single-ended I/O standards with current strength of 8 mA or higher. You have the option of three settings for programmable slew...
In the document "Hello_World_Lab_Manual_DE10_Lite" they refer to the link "http://www.alterawiki.com/wiki/File:DE10_Lite_qsys_workshop.zip" the link is not working anymore. Does someone know how to get te file "DE10_Lite_qsys_workshop.zip" ? I would ...
the code have done seccessfullu compliation and i made the pin connection according to DE10-lite manual. Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply BXia New Contributor I 06-16-2024 06:03 PM 1,143 Views How did you assign your input pins? And did you program the DE10_LITE_Default....
Connecting Arduino seems to be easy, according to the user manual, yet I have few questions: 1) At power up, I assume both devices (the Uno and the FPGA) wake up with default IOs defined as input, correct? How to avoid collision between outputs until the FPGA and/or Uno are prog...