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The Artists of De Stijlby Donald LangmeadGreenwood
Expressing the artists' search "for the universal, as the individual was losing its significance," this austere language was meant to reveal the laws governing the harmony of the world. Even though De Stijl artists created work embodying the movement's utopian vision, their realization that this...
Our Modern Art Timeline from 1870-1930 gives an outline of the most important artists, movements and styles of painting from Impressionism to the De Stijl movement.Impressionism (c.1870-1890)CLAUDE MONET (1840-1926) 'Rouen Cathedral in Full Sunlight', 1893-94 (oil on canvas)Impressionism is ...
The artists associated with Mondrian and the magazine De Stijl operated in a world where other artistic developments were under way. Each gallery in the exhibition therefore counterpoises phenomena directly aligned with the key ideas behind De Stijl with other attempts, in the Netherlands and elsewher...
She painted her first abstract work in 1906 but with a different goal than achieving pure abstraction.) The majority of even the progressive artists regarded the abandonment of every degree of representation with disfavor, however. During World War I the emergence of the de Stijl group in the ...