Consequently, the vasodilator effect of lactic acid does not depend on periarteriolar pH modification and probably interferes with retinal metabolism since only the natural levorotatory metabolite is recognized.Brazitikos, P. DPournaras, C. JTsacopoulos, MMunoz, J. LKlin Monatsbl Augenheilkd...
S. Marchand-Adam [ etG. ThabutJ. CadranelP. BonniaudA. DidierN. RocheM. BonayÉ. Lemarié [ etElsevier Masson SASRevue Des Maladies RespiratoiresMarchand-Adam S, Thabut G, Cadranel J, et al. Des niveaux de preuve aux recommandations. Rapport de la Societe de pneu- mologie de ...
The effect is reversible. This result supports the idea that the local ERG recorded in the inner plexiform layer is closely associated with changes in extracellular K + activity.Pournaras, K. IKarwoski, C. JTsacopoulos, MKlinische Monatsbltter Für Augenhlkunde...