19 $$ Closed today Cockrell Vineyards 3 Closed today Baby Cow Brewing 5 $$ Opens at2:00 PM Brennan Vineyards 11 $$ Opens at12:00 PM More activities More places to stay See a problem? United States›Texas›De Leon, TX Advertisement ...
De Leon was established on April 16, 1881 and named as such because of its close location to the Leon River. The first building in the new town was a general store built by E. N. Waldrup. Other businesses quickly followed, including a grocery store, saloon, restaurant, meat market, blac...
TX - Texas County FIPS: 48093 County: CountyFIPS: 48093 - Comanche ZIP Code: 76444 City Name: De Leon City Type?In many cases, a ZIP Code can have multiple "names", meaning cities, towns, or subdivisions, in its boundaries. However, it will ALWAYS have exactly 1 "default" name. D ...
PreviousNext de leon TX weather forecast Things to do in August Pray for RAIN Prepare to plant small grains Spray for perennial weeds in Bermudagrass fields Put out Mix30 or Beef Builder liquid feed Put out loose mineral or protien and mineral tubs ...
A native Texan, Samantha Droke was born on November 8th, 1987, in De Leon. She is the daughter of Lyndon and Synthia Droke. Samantha possessed a love of performing from a very young age. She started out singing and modeling and then her interests began to move towards acting. She truly...
Texas News Weather Sports Video Texas Monthly 30° Watch CBS News Bella de Leon shares her mental health journeyBella talks with Brooke Katz about her journey with an eating disorder and mental health.Oct 9, 2023 embed code copied ...
109 S Texas St De Leon, TX 76444 +1 (254) 893-2083 http://deleontexas.com The Deleon Chamber of Commerce in De Leon, TX is a local organization dedicated to promoting the economic growth and development of the community. They provide resources and support for businesses in the area, ...
chino: Leon Kūn chino: 利昂县 chino: 莱昂县 chino: 萊昂縣 coreano: 리언군 esloveno: Leon County esloveno: Okrožje Leon español: Condado de Leon español: Condado de León (Florida) esperanto: Kantono Leono estonio: Leoni maakond euskera: Leon konderria finés: Leonin piiriku...
地区代码 +1-254-(9797000...9797999) 位于 De Leon, Texas (TX), 更多详细信息如下。 位置 国际拨号代码:1 国际前缀:011 国家前缀:1 国内目的地代码:254 用户号码从:9797000 用户号码至:9797999 国内目的地代码长度:3 采用国内目的地代码:是 国内标识号码长度:10 ...
将“De Leon"翻译成英文 De Leon是将“De Leon"翻译成 英文。 译文示例:Foi assim que vi você vencendo a De Leon. ↔ This is how I saw you winning De Leon. De Leon+ 添加翻译 葡萄牙文-英文字典 De Leon De Leon, Texas Foi assim que vi você vencendo a De Leon. This is ...