Recently the utility of this technique has been extended to semiconducting compounds with the observation of the de Haas–van Alphen effect in degenerate p-type PbTe (ref. 1). In this communication we report what we believe to be the first observation of de Haas–van Alphen oscillations in a...
Haas–vanAlpheneffect—areawell-studiedphenomenonin thephysicsofnormalmetals.Insuperconductors,themag- neticfieldsinwhichitispossibletoobservethedHvAeffect inpracticeareordinarilymuchhigherthanthecriticalfield ofthephasetransitionfromthesuperconductingintothe normalstate. AccordingtothestandardLifshitz–Kosevichtheo...
网络德哈斯 网络释义 1. 德哈斯 物理专业词... ... de gennes factor 德坚涅因子de haas van alphen effect德哈斯范阿尔文效应 de sitter space time 德呜时空 ...|基于21个网页
1) de haas van alphen effect 德哈斯 范阿尔文效应 2) de Hass-von Alphen effect 德·哈斯-范·阿尔芬效应 1. Upon the knowledge of Hofstadter butterfly, the condition for the effective mass approximation in the cyclotron resonance andde Hass-von Alphen effectis analysed. ...
什么是de haas..具体来说,当一个晶体受热时,晶格中的原胞体积会膨胀,引起晶体的各向异性;这种各向异性的变化程度与加热速度有关,这就是所谓的“de Haas-van Alphen效应”
de Haas–van Alphen effectPhase transitionCeNiAn intermediate valence compound CeNi exhibits a phase transition under pressure, which is associated with the γ–α transition in Ce. To clarify a change of the electronic state under pressure, we measured the de Haas–van Alphen (dHvA) effect ...
THE de Haas – van Alphen effect in copper has been observed in a whisker made by the Brenner method1 and oriented with the [111] axis along the field (see Fig. 1); the period is about 1.7 × 10−9 gauss−1, which is close to the value for a free electron sphere of one ele...
1、电子回旋共振和DeHaas-VanAlphen效应 1.电子回旋共振 将一晶片垂直置于磁场中,若沿磁场方向输入一频 当w=w 0 时,电子回旋与电 场同步,电子吸收电场能 量达到极大,这种现象称 为电子回旋共振。 e 率为w的交变电场,且E^B。 h 讯号 B 在有些情况下,可将哈密顿量近似写成 HpeA 2 ——有效质量近似 一...
De Haas-van Alphen已对纯铋和几种铋-碲合金进行了测量。结果发现,使用科恩的非椭球形铋模型的特殊情况,可以解释观察到的外部横截面和回旋加速器有效质量随碲浓度和磁场方向的变化。结果表明,与各种光学实验一致,在导带和价带之间存在约0.046ev的热能隙,并且存在六个电子“椭球”。该结果也与包含一个轻孔椭圆体和...
Mixed valence of U determined using the de Haas–van Alphen effect: Application to U x Th 1 x Be 13 de Haas–van Alphen measurements made on U x Th 1 x Be 13 for x <~ 0.1 reveal that U enters the ThBe 13 lattice as a mixed valent impurity of average v... N Harrison,L Bali...