Wikipedia de fac·to (dĭ făk′tō, dā) adj. Existing in actuality, especially when contrary to or not established by law:de facto segregation; a de facto government. [Latindē factō:dē,from, according to+factō, ablative offactum,fact.] ...
Wikipedia </>embed</> in reality in effect actually really in fact in fact existing effective real actual actual de facto all adj adv Synonyms for de facto Collins WordNet adjactual Synonyms actual real effective existing advin fact Synonyms ...
Related to De-facto:de facto segregation De Facto [Latin,Infact.] Infact,indeed,actually. Thisphraseisusedtocharacterizeanofficer,agovernment,apastaction,or astateofaffairsthatmustbeacceptedforallpracticalpurposes,butisillegalorillegitimate.Thus,anoffice,position,orstatusexistingunderaclaimorcolorofright,suc...
In the just published The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America, Richard Rothstein, Research Associate of the Economic Policy Institute and Fellow of the Haas Institute at the University of California-Berkeley, splendidly documents how de jure and de facto segre...
de facto 美[deɪ ˈfæktoʊ] 英[deɪ ˈfæktəʊ] adj.实际上;事实上的 adv.实际上;事实上 网络拉事实上的;事实婚姻关系;实际的 英汉 英英 网络释义 adj. 1. 实际上;事实上的 adv. 1. 实际上;事实上
Also found in: Dictionary, Legal, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Graphic Thesaurus 🔍 Display ON Animation ON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> de factoaccording to...rightfullyby rightlegallyde jure all adv adj Synonyms for de jure Collins WordNet advlegally Synonyms legally by ...
factojureofficialrulerlawsicilies Defacto不成文的规定,事实标准FromWikipedia,thefreeencyclopediaJumpto:navigation,search"DeFacto"redirectshere.FortheAmericanband,seeDeFacto(band).LookupdefactoinWiktionary,thefreedictionary.DefactoisaLatinexpressionthatmeans"by[the]fact".Inlaw,itismeanttomean"inpracticebutnotne...
Lorenzo was the de facto ruler of Florence from 1469. Under his rule the republican form of government lost all significance. He maintained his authority through repression. At the same time, Lorenzo patronized humanists, poets writing in Italian, and artists; his policies helped transform Florence...
de facto occupancy 7/16/2011 1:33 PM Charles Fischer Mother tongue: English de facto de facto means "in fact" or "in reality" as opposed to "by law" or "by right." Here is Wikipedia's explanation: De facto est une locution latine signifiant « de fait », « dans les fai...
The Government had been working to provide de jure and de facto recognition of different types of families, with equal rights and opportunities. 厄瓜多尔政府一直努力在法律上和事实上承认不同类型的家庭享有平等的权利和机会。 UN-2 Practice in this area is almost non-existent, and opinions have...