蓝帽(系统与控制):天空的颜色, 给人以凉爽的感觉, 提供信息概要, 执行对流程、步骤以及对其他思考帽的控制功能, 领袖和组织者, 关于思考的思考。 De Bono的六项思考帽既考虑到情绪状态,也有心智结构的考量(如,考虑问题的角度)。De Bono认为,“情感是我们思维能力的一项重要组成部分,而不是象有些人认为的,情感...
Develop thinking as a skill using methods such as Lateral Thinking and Six Thinking Hats. Edward de bono Ltd, trading as de Bono, is the company that owns and manages the intellectual property of the author Edward de Bono. We provide a list of all of his
Develop thinking as a skill using methods such as Lateral Thinking and Six Thinking Hats. Edward de bono Ltd, trading as de Bono, is the company that owns and manages the intellectual property of the author Edward de Bono. We provide a list of all of his
Develop thinking as a skill using methods such as Lateral Thinking and Six Thinking Hats. Edward de bono Ltd, trading as de Bono, is the company that owns and manages the intellectual property of the author Edward de Bono. We provide a list of all of his
Used with well-defined and explicit Return On Investment success in corporations worldwide, Six Thinking Hats is a simple, effective parallel thinking process that helps people be more productive, focused, and mindfully involved. A powerful tool set, which once learned can be applied immediately!How...
Edward De BonoSix Thinking Hats 星级: 103 页 Edward de Bono’s SIX THINKING HATS - pmikerala.org 星级: 35 页 六顶思考帽英文版Six Thinking Hats_by_Edward de Bono 星级: 103 页 Six Thinking Hats 星级: 20 页 six thinking hats 星级: 2 页 Six_Thinking_Hats 星级: 16 页 Six Thi...
Edward de Bono is a leading authority in creative thinking. He is widely regarded as the father oflateral thinking. De Bono has writtenover 70 bookson thinking and creativity. Using the ‘Six Thinking Hats’ for Structured Brainstorming
(2015). Using de bono's six thinking hats model to teach critical thinking and problem solving skills essential for success in the 21st century economy. Creative Education, 6(3), 380-391.Charles Kivunja.Using De Bonos Six Thinking Hats Model to Teach Critical Thinking and Problem Solving ...
Edward de Bono is the author of Lateral Thinking. What to read after Lateral Thinking? If you're wondering what to read next after Lateral Thinking, here are some recommendations we suggest: How to Think More Effectively by The School of Life Six Thinking Hats by Edward de Bono The Five ...
【中商原版】六顶思考帽 英文原版 Six Thinking Hats 爱德华 德博诺 Dr Edward de Bono 管理读物 作者:EdwarddeBono出版社:penguin uk出版时间:2016年01月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价降价通知 ¥87.00 配送至 广东佛山市 至北京市东城区 服务 由“中华商务进口图书旗舰店”发货,并提供售后服务。