It was found that two-thirds of untreated CD patients experience intermediate or frequent flares. Those who experienced frequent flares reported poorer HRQoL, lower work productivity, and higher healthcare resource utilization. Abstract Thank you for joining us for this recap of the DDW2024 Annual Me...
Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) will be held May 18-21, 2024, in Washington, DC. This annual event serves as the leading gathering for gastroenterologists, researchers, and industry professionals. We outline some of the essential sessions at DDW focused は、医学カテゴリで28位にランクインし、12月 2024にグローバルでは350950位にランクインしています。ここでddw.orgに関する詳細な分析と市場シェアを深掘りした情報を入手してください