1 打开软件,提示内容点击确定。2 驱动日志中可以看出GPU就是显卡驱动。3 点击select device type,选择GPU。4 其中包含了多种驱动程序,选择驱动程序。5 点击清除后重启。6 总结打开软件,提示内容点击确定;驱动日志中可以看出GPU就是显卡驱动;点击select device type,选择GPU;其中包含了多种驱动程序,选择驱动程...
Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU)窗口界面如图: 驱动日志窗格中会自动列出当前系统的所有显卡驱动详细信息。 但是这个时候窗口上方的三个“清除”选项还是灰色不可用状态,因为我们需要先选择卸载设备。 点击窗口右侧的“Select device type(选择设备类型)”下拉列表,可以看到“Audio声卡”和“GPU显卡”选项。如图: 选择GPU...
ddu显卡驱动卸载工具(Display Driver Uninstaller) Display Driver Uninstaller简称DDU,体积只有1.2M左右,从xp到最新的windows 10操作系统都支持,绝大部分电脑都可以使用它彻底卸载显卡驱动。特别是升级到Windows 8.1遭遇黑屏的用户,可以尝试一下这个小工具。 ddu卸载显卡驱动特点 ...
Display Driver Uninstaller(DDU)使用教程: 1、建议在操作前先对系统进行备份,并且操作时最好是在安全模式下进行。 2、运行 Display Driver Uninstaller 它会自动加载系统驱动信息,随后点击右侧的《Select device type》并选择《GPU》,接着 Display Driver Uninstaller 会根据你的显卡显示对应的信息。接着根据你自己的需...
Go to the DDU extract path and double-click the Display Driver Uninstaller.exe to open DDU. Click Close in the Options window. Select device type to GPU and select device to INTEL. Click Clean and restart or Clean and Shutdown depending on your needs Wait the software to finish the proces...
Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) V18.0.6.1 Released. by Wagnard » Wed Mar 01, 2023 8:52 am 9 Replies 285819 Views Last post by kidi Tue Mar 28, 2023 11:14 am AMD550RX install, diagonal lines on display, wondering if DDU has removed something I'm not aware of ...
-- I think I had a windows update that corrupted, because when I would try my VGA disk and install my VGA drivers the installer would detect no Hardware available with this version of Windows. In device manager my video card would show up but it would tell me that Windows disabled it ...
Bonjour à toutes et à tous, Ce guide a pour but de faciliter l’utilisation de Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) qui permet de désinstaller proprement
On the right, selectyour device typeandyour GPU manufacturer. Then clickClean and restart. Once DDU purged the graphics driver, your PC should restart. You can now check if the graphics issue persists. So you’ve reinstalled the graphics driver, what next?
Official Display Driver Uninstaller DDU Download The options below may have been on the previous version...I didn't look ChangeLog: -Fixed CM_Get_Device_ID in