This decision was based on several properties of DDT that had been well evidenced : DDT and its metabolites are toxicants with long-term persistence in soil and water ; it is widely dis- persed by erosion, runoff, and volatization ; and the low- water solubility and high lipophilicity of...
to its near insolubility in water and tendency to bioaccumulate in fatty tissue and biomagnify throughouttrophic levels. By 1972, DDT use was banned in the United States and worldwide production and use began to decrease as well. Despite the injurious impacts on the environment and potential ...
(ii) eating contaminated imported foods from countries that still allow the use of DDT to control pests; (iii) breathing contaminated air or drinking contaminated water near waste sites and landfi lls that may contain higher levels of these chemicals; (iv) infants fed on breast milk from ...