DDS GP is an iPad app is designed to help dentists make their patient consultations more clear, concise, and efficient. It replaces all sorts of other demonstration materials and is designed to be easy to understand without being scary. Your patients will be more engaged and your case ...
DDS GPYou Might Also Like IOC Snapshot Camera Medical Pharmacotherapy Principles 6/E Medical Instant Smiles Medical Kasper Forms Medical DentScribe Medical Spear Patient Education Medical Derm and Cosmetic Procedures Medical Atlas of Emergency Medicine 5E ...
Thanks for using DDS GP. This is a HUGE update! Version 9.0 includes a wide range of improvements to the app, many of which are in response to your requests. Love the app? Please refer your friends and leave us a rating in the App Store. Need help or have feedback? Tap Contact Sup...
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DDS = 牙科医生 GP = 全科医生 yes = 是,可以
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1.它使用TPS65218作为PMIC,按照《Powering the AM335x_AM437x with TPS65218》的推荐做法,应该用DCDC6的输出提供1.8V,供应SOC的VDDS_RTC管脚。 2。但实际上,GPEVM使用TPS78101来取代DCDC6的输出。 并且TPS78101的供电取用的是TPS65218的SYS_BU,手册上指出这个引脚是不推荐挂负载的!
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