If you do not specify CHECK(RZ) or CHECK(RB), a brace (}) is displayed in the farthest right position. This causes an error message to appear at the workstation if you specify decimal positions other than zero in positions 36 and 37. If you specify CHECK(RZ) or CHECK(RB), the ...
# true: add an indent for the brace on the same line as the macro # false: do not add an indent for the brace on the same line as the macro # # Default: true indent_macro_brace = true # true/false # The number of spaces to indent a continued '->' or '.'. ...
Option equipment: #6 paddle;carbon fibre paddle;apray deck;lift jacket;thigh brace;paddle rope Winner Kayak can supply following products: (fishing kayak; sea kayaks; recreational kayak; touring kayak; sit on top; wood-grain kayak; cockpit kayak; double kayak; randan; kids ...
If you do not specify CHECK(RZ) or CHECK(RB), a brace (}) is displayed in the farthest right position. This causes an error message to appear at the workstation if you specify decimal positions other than zero in positions 36 and 37. If you specify CHECK(RZ) or CHECK(RB), the ...