This section describes how to connect to a DDS instance using the following four methods:Mongo ShellPython MongoJava MongoUsing Spring MongoTemplate to Perform MongoDB Op
The service has multiple built-in operations. You can allow or deny some operations and apply custom policies to user groups. Step 1 Log in to ManageOne as an operation administrator using a browser. URL in non-B2B scenarios: https://Domain name of ManageOne Operation Portal, for example, ...
Are you just trying to run every application on a single computer and don't want that application to connect to anything off the computer on a physical network? If so, you can just prevent the applications from using the UDPv4 transport by setting the Participant QoS, builtin_transport, ...
To improve data transmission security, connect to instances using SSL.Connecting to a DB Instance Using a Client (SSL) Step 1 Log in to the DDS console by referring to Logging In to the DDS Console. Step 2 On the Instances page, click the DB instance name....
Thanks for your reply...but unfortunately, I'm not entirely clear about your system layout. You want to connect to a Service that uses DDS in a system that has other DDS apps. What is this controller app that you want to connect to the Service? Is this a user-interface that will be...
The DCPSInfoRepo service generates its location object information in this file and participants need to read this file to ultimately connect. The use of file based IORs to find a discovery service, however, is not practical in most production environments, so applications inst...
Connect cable ladders laterally Direct connection between different types of cable ladders Link conduits seamlessly with cable ladders and cable trunkings Cable guides with filling degree calculation – design in a practice-oriented way With version 19, DDScad offers you even more options for modeling...
sync_log_buff_interval = 10 # 检测 storage server 存活的时间隔,单位为秒。 # storage server定期向tracker server 发心跳,如果tracker server在一个check_active_interval内还没有收到storage server的一次心跳,那边将认为该storage server已经下线。所以本参数值必须大于storage server配置的心跳时间间隔。通常配置...
Where XXXX is the name of the plug-in user wants to use. DDS commander server receives the request, looks for a suitable plug-in (associated with the XXXX name) and starts it. Plug-in has 2 minutes to connect back to commander to receive exact details about the submit request. Once ...
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