DDR memory chip technology progressed through 2 generations in the past 10 years and the next generation is currently being defined. As each of these generations has improved to allow more data to be transferred at faster rates, margins decrease and therefore design work and testing become more ...
Step3:选择Memory Tests,点击Finish,给电路板上电。 Step4:建好的OCM_Test工程如图所示。 Step5:在OCM_Test上右击,选择Debug_As,然后选择Debug Configurations... Step6:在Xilinx C/C++ application(System Debugger)上双击。 Step7:选中产生的Debug_OCM_Test.efl,并勾选上Reset entire system和Program FPGA,然后...
TEST LOG The Test Log lists the results of all the phases of the Extensive Test. Here are the results of the MODE and the VOLTAGE CYCLING tests. AUTO LOOP tests memory with endless pattern changes. Great for burn-in testing. The AUTO-LOOP screen indicates the current loop number and ...
运行memteste非常简单,作为root ./memtester<memory> [runs] <memory>:内存大小,单位M [runs]:运行次数 这样我们就可以对单颗CPU的机器进行测试,查看内存是否足够稳定。 但如果我有多颗CPU和较大的memory呢?最简单的方法是多开几个终端,同时运行memtester,每个CPU分配同样大小的内存。 还有 ...
mbw memory benchmark v1.5, https://github.com/raas/mbw Usage: mbw [options] array_size_in_MiB Options: -n: numberofruns per test (0torun forever) -a: Don'tdisplay average -t0: memcpy test -t1: dumb (b[i]=a[i] style) test ...
首先来看 DDR总线的发送端测试方法。这一测试主要是以 DRAM 芯片为目标进行,从 DRAM 芯片到 Memory Controller 芯片乃至系统级产品开发均存在测试需求。 1.探测问题 同其它标准一样,我们首先要明确测试点的位置。在 DDR总线上,由于 CPU 作为系统核 心,通常是没有办法预留测试点进行焊接或者采用专用夹具在系统上进行...
mbw memory benchmark v1.5, https://github.com/raas/mbwUsage: mbw [options] array_size_in_MiB Options:-n: number of runs per test (0to run forever)-a: Don't display average-t0: memcpy test-t1: dumb (b[i]=a[i] style) test-t2: memcpy test with fixed block size-b <size>: bl...
简单的Memory Margin的测试方法是, 在Controller和DRAM都使用外部VREF供电的条件下, 调节VREF的电压幅度, 同时运行Memory Stress Test软件(如: Golden Memory, MSTRESS 等等), 直到出现测试Fail的VREF值同默认VREF值间的差值, 记为VREF Margin。调节VREF并不会影响信号传输的波形, 因为VREF只是芯片接收端(Controller或...