点击Flow Navigator 面板下的“Project Manager -->IP Catalog”。 在“Memories & Storage Elements --> Memory Interface Generators”分类展开后,可以看到名为“Memory Interface Generator (MIG 7 Series)”的 IP 核,通过这个 IP 核,我们可以配置一个 DDR3 控制器用于衔接 FPGA 逻辑与外部 DDR3 存储器。点击...
FPGA厂家都会提供内嵌逻辑分析仪,Xilinx叫chipscope,Lattice的叫reveal,可以单独安装reveal程序,也可以在diamond工程中打开。在“File List”的“Debug Files”里,右键,点击Reveal Project Files,可新建*.rvl文件,相对Xilinx,这个rvl比较好用,复制veriog代码信号名,只要没被优化,就可以很快找到。 添加信号时,除了在trace ...
It should be noted that the same project using the Xilinx MIG DDR3 controller takes 33% of the FPGA LUTs (vs 9% with this core). Testing Verified under simulation, then exercised on the following FPGA boards; Digilent Arty A7 (Xilinx Artix + MT41K128M16JT-125) ...
打开《Hello World》实验的工程,我们先打开《Hello World》实验的Vivado工程,打开后依次点击菜单栏的“File-> Project->Save As...”,将工程名改为“axi4_ddr_rw”。 在菜单栏中点击“Tools”,然后在下拉列表中选择“Create and Package New IP”,如图 9.3.2所示: 图9.3.2 创建IP 在弹出的对话框中直接点击...
For two systems to share the same memory, an arbiter must be used. The memory arbiter serves as an interface to both systems, and grants each system access to the memory one at a time to avoid collisions. In this project, Teradyne assigned the MQP team the task of developing a memory ...
ed Xilinx DDR controller core. To implement time-ef?cient data transfers between the PPC interface and the external DDR chips, we ?nely synchronize the OCM interface and the DDR. Our FPGA modules are developed using Xilinx Project Navigator 6.3i and Xilinx Platform Studio 6.3i and are ...
This means, that I wanted to access the DDR memory chip through just the DQ/DQS groups only and not instantiate a full-blown memory controller using the megafunction. I quickly learnt that it wasn't so straight forward as it looked. I started off with a clean proje...
DDR4MemoryControllerHDL是用于实现DDR4内存控制器的硬件描述语言,它支持Open Page Policy和Out of Order执行。以下是对这两个概念的简要描述: 1. Open Page Policy:这是一种内存访问策略,允许多个内存页面同时访问。在这种策略下,内存控制器可以同时从多个页面中读取数据,从而提高内存访问速度。这种策略通常用于高速...
Memory Device Interface Speed:板载DDR4芯片的IO总线时钟频率,这里可以最大支持938ps(1066MHz),IO总线时钟频率等于2倍DDR4芯片核心频率(533 MHz)。 PHY to controller clock frequency ratio:用户时钟分频系数,这里只能选择4比1,因此本节实验的用户时钟频率等于DDR4芯片核心频率的四分之一,即133.25MHz。 Reference ...
memory controller. The IP walks through all permissible values for write leveling and delay compensation and then exports a table with possible values that the designer can use for optimal DDR performance or environmental constrained configurations. This code is ready to run within the On-Chip ...