adding gencodes to support K80, M60, V100, A100 RUN mkdir /tmp/nccltests && \ cd /tmp/nccltests && \ git clone -b ${NCCL_TESTS_TAG} && \ cd nccl-tests && \ make \ MPI=1 MPI_HOME=/opt/hpcx/ompi \ NVCC_GENCODE="-gencode=arch=comp...
Simenstad D, Jay D, McIntire CD, Nehlsen W, Sherwood C, Small L. 1984. The dynamics of the Columbia River estuarine ecosys- tem. Columbia River Estuary Data Development Program, Port- land, OR, USA.SICks'rAP, C.A., D. JaY, C.D. McIgrn~, W. Nmmsm~,C. Smmwoooand L. SMALL...