Some Named Items in the game work together to give the wearer a set bonus. A set bonus provides additional effects when the appropriate number of items in that same "set" are worn together. This bonus, and the set's name, are listed in the description of those items. Many item sets ...
Pleasecreate an accountorlog into remove ads, build a reputation, and unlock more editingprivilegesand then visit DDO wiki'sIRC Chat/Discordif you need any help! Category:Update 53 named items ItemTypeEnhancementsMLBindCollapseQuests Blue Anniversary Team Capelet (edit)Cosmetic Cloak1Bound to Acc...
The Pentacle light puzzle is just a replication of theDDO Wikiimage that tells you what to press. I really wanted to do something a bit more interactive but that’s going to have to wait. Continue reading→ It’s a Hard(core) Life ...
Note: Quest reward named items here are not considered "named" items for the purpose of feeding Sentient Jewels. A Lesson in Deception[edit] Item Type Enhancements ML Bind CollapseQuests Sage's Sash (Level 15) (edit) Belt Archmagi 15 Bound to Character on Acquire A Lesson in Dec...
Named Item:Phase Hammerprovides Greater Incorporeal Bane. Named Item:Assassin's Kissprovides Lesser Incorporeal Bane. Named Item:Epic Assassin's Kissprovides Greater Incorporeal Bane.
Effect:This item grants the wearer +40 maximumhealth. Found on:(21)Superior False Life items: Epic False Life Effect:This item grants the wearer +45 maximumhealth. Found on:(1)Epic False Life items: False Life +## As part of theUpdate 29random loot overhaul, named items can now drop ...
Named Item Sets Deadly Diabolist - 2 Pieces Equipped: Your summons, charmed monsters, and hirelings gain +4 to all ability scores. Epic Deadly Diabolist - 2 Pieces Equipped: Your summons, charmed monsters, and hirelings gain +8 to all ability scores. ...
The Spell Penetration item enchantment gives an equipment bonus to spell penetration checks. Notable sources: Named items: +1 to +9 Randomly generated caster weapons: +1 to +7 Cannith Crafted Items: +1 to +6 CraftedThunder-Forgeditems: +7 (Tier 2 upgrade) ...
The first orb is found as a named item in theHigh Road of ShadowsAdventure Pack. More orbs will be added to the game in future updates! Crafting[edit] Shard application recipe tooltips no longer list their applied effect descriptions twice. ...
Besides upgrading Epic named items, this is also the location to createThe Master's Gift. Lahar, epic trader earth elemental, is also found here. Creating Epic Items[edit] First you find a normal, Heroic version of the item, and you collect three objects in the Epic version of the quest...