Improvements have been made to server and network code that should greatly enhance performance in heavy combat situations. Happy shrouding everyone! UI Improvements[edit] Many tooltips and descriptions have had their terminology updated to be more friendly to players unfamiliar with the D&D rules shorth...
Cooldown 60 seconds, Spell Point code of 50 (matches Implosion). DC 20 + highest of INT/WIS/CHA + illusion bonuses Consumed by Shadows: From Sneak: Active attack. Enemy must make a Will save versus 20 + highest ability score + Assassinate or be beset by your shadow. Enemies affected ...
Legendary Tinker's Goggles - Goggles: Diversion +34%, Disable Device +22, Enhanced Disable Device +5, Nearly Finished (unlock additional powers) Spells costs 10%/20%/30% less when you're below 50%/25%/10% hp.Paralyzing code figuring out for Legendary[edit]CODING[edit]Paralyzing...